Bridal Fashion Fraire is holding its first Black Friday Sale event!

This Friday & Saturday only, save:

40% off select regular priced wedding dresses 50% off select evening and cocktail gowns 50% off veils and bridal accessories

Don't miss out on this one-time event!

BFF now also has an Instagram account! Follow us @bridalfashionfraire.


Updated Gallery: Gowns & Our New Home!

Now that we've settled into our new home on the 2nd floor of 123 Spadina, we've updated our gallery with some of our new gowns! Take a look through our Gallery Section for the full set of photos! A friendly reminder that BFF is now located on the 2nd floor of 123 Spadina Ave.

[gallery type="square" ids="464,458,479"]

*Note: The images above are previews. Please visit our Gallery page for more photos.